Since 1922
Arti Grafiche Nidasio S.r.l.
A passion handed down from generation to generation, printing, for the Nidasio family, has always been an art passing from hand to hand from father to son.
Its history is lost in time since that far-off 1922 when we have the first records of the printing house that, in the true sense of the word, has experienced the history of printing.
The history contained in those rediscovered documents, now faded by time, but that retain the perspiration and experience of distant times, when paper was a fundamental element in markedly communicating what life offered to people and their affairs.
In 1922 the company was located in Milan, in the Porta Romana area and was called Stamura.
Until the first half of the twentieth century
During the war and the reopening
Its history is transmitted to us by the books of the 1920s, which emerged among the creased and dusty papers that with their handwriting tell us about some moments of that age.
After the business was interrupted during the Second World War, the company restarted with confidence, immediately putting itself "in the game" and this time reopening the business at number 9 of Via Bocconi, still in Milan, but with the name of "Grafica M" di Morandini Zoraide.
From that time, with historical pride we can show a recently found invoice and a bill, still joined together by a pin as they used to do at the time.

change of name in the 1950s
Grafica N di Aimone Nidasio
It was at the end of the 1950s when the company changed its name to "Grafica N" di Aimone Nidasio.
At the end of the 1960s, the company moved to Via Vigevano 15 in Milan.
One of the printing icons par excellence was the famous "Kord Heidelberg", which was an integral part of the production of that time. And it is with care and pride that even today the company keeps its original instruction manuals.
Arti Grafiche Nidasio S.r.l.
Dear Old Milan
In 1982 the company took its current name and became “Arti Grafiche Nidasio S.r.l.”.
In 1984 it moved to the headquarters of Assago (MI).
In 1997 Roberto Nidasio with his family took over the shares of his father and brother thus becoming the sole owner of the Printing House.
In 2012 the Corriere della Sera newspaper told the story of “Dear Old Milan” by interviewing Roberto Nidasio about the prints in the photobooks.

Lo Stampato Intelligente®
Arti Grafiche Nidasio S.r.l., innovation today
In 2020, the company evolved in the production sector, deciding to advance the printed paper sector to the world of interactive and contactless printing. Trademarks and patent applications were registered to use NFC (Near Field Communication) technology in printing, creating a proprietary IT platform and many concrete use cases: Lo Stampato Intelligente ® was born.
In 2021, appropriate partnerships were established in order to manage entire communication projects by means of the new technology: Comunicazione Ibrida ® was born.