Un mix di anni di esperienza, passione, qualità e amore per quello che facciamo.

since 1922
Arti Grafiche Nidasio s.r.l. printing is an art, art is passion!
A passion handed down from generation to generation, printing, for the Nidasio family, has always been an art passing from hand to hand from father to son.
Its history is lost in time since that far-off 1922 when we have the first records of the printing house that, in the true sense of the word, has experienced the history of printing. The history contained in those rediscovered documents, now faded by time, but that retain the perspiration and experience of distant times, when paper was a fundamental element in markedly communicating what life offered to people and their affairs.
In 1922 the company was located in Milan, in the Porta Romana area and was called Stamura.
dal 1922
Arti Grafiche Nidasio s.r.l. la stampa è un'arte, l'arte è passione!

Una passione che si tramanda di generazione in generazione, la stampa è sempre stata per la Famiglia Nidasio un’arte che passa di mano in mano da padre in figlio.
La storia si perde nel tempo da quel lontano 1922 a cui risalgono le prime informazioni di quella che è la tipografia che ha vissuto la storia della stampa, nel vero senso della parola.
La storia racchiusa in quei documenti ritrovati, ormai sbiaditi dal tempo, ma che conservano sudore ed esperienza di tempi lontani, tempi in cui la carta è stata elemento fondamentale per comunicare in modo segnato quanto la vita offrisse all’uomo ed alle proprie vicende.
Nel 1922 l’azienda si trovava a Milano, in zona Porta Romana e si chiamava Stamura.
From design to form
Evolution has brought new machines, new technologies, new delivery times, but there is one thing that has remained intact, pure and fragrant as in the early days of the 1920s: attention to detail.

Dal design, alla forma
Evolution has brought new machines, new technologies, new delivery times, but there is one thing that has remained intact, pure and fragrant as in the early days of the 1920s: attention to detail.
Printing gets Smart
Printing and information technology merge into a single paper product with “sensitive points” that, once touched, activate a set of functions on a smartphone that are controlled by the proprietary digital platform, for a “smart” communication experience.
Click on the video to see how Lo Stampato Intelligente® was born
Our Mission is to give shape to your ideas

Accumulated experience is a solid foundation on which to build, but in order to grow we need to raise the bar and focus on doing increasingly new things.
It’s good to guide customers toward proven solutions, but it’s just as important to open up to new ideas, experiment and develop them with our customers: that’s how we grow together.
And that’s how our solid foundation stays up-to-date and expands more and more.

Accumulated experience is a solid foundation on which to build, but in order to grow we need to raise the bar and focus on doing increasingly new things.
It’s good to guide customers toward proven solutions, but it’s just as important to open up to new ideas, experiment and develop them with our customers: that’s how we grow together.
And that’s how our solid foundation stays up-to-date and expands more and more.